How the $50 Billion SaaS and PaaS Uses Display Ads to Drive Insane Traffic

How the $50 Billion SaaS and PaaS Uses Display Ads to Drive Insane Traffic

Reverse-Engineering Oracle NetSuite’s High-Performing Display Advertising Playbook

Published by: Team AdSkills
April 18, 2024

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Have you ever stumbled across a B2B ad that just stopped you in your tracks?

That's exactly what happened to me the other day.

I was casually browsing, looking for some fresh advertising inspiration, when this eye-catching display ad from Oracle NetSuite caught my attention.

What made this ad so interesting to me is that it wasn't targeted at your typical consumers. No, this one was aimed squarely at CFOs - the financial leaders of businesses.

As someone who's always fascinated by how top companies approach their marketing, I knew I had to dive a little deeper into what Oracle NetSuite was doing here.

Their approach to reaching and converting their ideal customers through display advertising is actually pretty darn clever. And I think there are some valuable lessons we can all learn from it.

So in this post, I'm going to break down Oracle NetSuite's B2B display ad strategy - from the high-level traffic and placement data to the specific ad creative and landing page experiences they're using.

By the end, you'll have a better understanding of how a major enterprise software company is leveraging display ads to connect with finance executives.

Ready to take a peek behind the curtain? Let's dive in!

Oracle NetSuite's Landing Pages

This wasn't your typical boring B2B landing page.

No, these guys are really putting in the effort to capture their visitors' attention and get them to convert.

The first thing I noticed was just how much information they're asking for on this lead gen form. I'm talking full name, work email, phone number, company details, revenue - the whole nine yards.

But the cool part is, they're not just asking people to fill this out blindly. Oh no, they're giving away something super valuable in exchange - a practical, how-to guide complete with templates.

From what I could tell, this "KPI Checklist" they're offering seems like a really useful tool for CFOs and finance leaders to get a handle on the key metrics that matter most for their business.

So Oracle NetSuite is using that lead magnet approach to entice their target audience to hand over their info. And judging by the length of the form, they're clearly hoping to capture some high-quality leads in the process.

As I dug around, I noticed they have a whole library of these types of lead magnets - everything from AI guides for CFOs to playbooks on building a lasting leadership legacy.

It's clear they're not just running a single landing page, but rather testing out multiple angles and offers to see what resonates best with their CFO audience. Pretty smart, if you ask me.

Traffic and Ad Placement Analysis

We've taken a close look at the landing pages Oracle NetSuite is using to capture leads from their display advertising. But what about the bigger picture - how much traffic are they driving, and where exactly are those ads showing up?

To get a better understanding of the scale of their display campaign, I jumped over to SimilarWeb to check out some high-level website traffic data. And let me tell you, the numbers are pretty darn impressive.

Over the last 3 months, Oracle NetSuite's website has racked up close to 50 million visits. That's a ton of traffic, especially for a B2B enterprise software company.

But the really fascinating part is where all that traffic is coming from. According to SimilarWeb, the majority of it is being driven by their display advertising efforts, primarily through the Google Display Network and Google's own DV360 platform.

When I dug into the specific publisher placements, some of the top sites their ads are appearing on include YouTube, Fox Business, Fox News, and even the Harvard Business Review website. That's some pretty premium inventory they've secured.

So it's clear Oracle NetSuite is going big on the display ad game, leveraging the targeting capabilities of platforms like DV360 to laser-focus on their CFO audience. And they're getting their brand in front of tons of high-quality B2B eyeballs in the process.

This multi-faceted approach to display advertising is definitely something I can respect. They're not just running a few random banner ads and calling it a day. Instead, they're putting a ton of thought and strategy behind how they're reaching and converting their ideal customers.

Creative Analysis

Now that we've taken a look at the landing pages they're using and the scale of their display advertising efforts, let's dive into the actual creative they're putting out there.

As I scrolled through the ads captured by the AdBeat tool, a few things really jumped out at me about Oracle NetSuite's approach to their display ad creative.

First and foremost, they're clearly not just testing one or two ads - they've got a whole arsenal of different angles and offers they're putting in front of their CFO audience.

For example, there's an ad that taps into the big conversation around AI and how it might impact the finance world. The headline asks the question "AI: Friend or Foe for CFOs?" - a topic I'm sure is top-of-mind for a lot of finance leaders.

Another ad takes a more direct approach, promising to reveal "Effective, Foolproof CFO Habits" that the viewer can steal for themselves. Talk about a tempting offer!

And then there's the one that goes for the emotional pull, encouraging CFOs to think about how they can "Create a Lasting Legacy" in their role. Pretty compelling stuff.

But the common thread running through all these ads is the focus on valuable, educational content as the main lead magnet. Whether it's a checklist, a guide, or a playbook, Oracle NetSuite is constantly dangling the carrot of genuinely useful information in front of their target customers.

And you can bet they've got the Oracle NetSuite brand and logo featured prominently in these ads as well. That's a smart move, because it helps establish instant credibility and trust with the viewer.

As I looked at the different landing page URLs captured by AdBeat, it was clear that Oracle NetSuite is taking a very systematic, data-driven approach to testing all these creative angles. They're not just throwing spaghetti at the wall - they're paying close attention to what's resonating best with their audience.

Wrap Up

At the end of the day, it's clear that Oracle NetSuite is going all-in on their display advertising strategy - and for good reason. With nearly 50 million website visits over the past 3 months, they're clearly tapping into a huge audience of potential customers.

But what I find most impressive is the level of sophistication and experimentation they're bringing to the table. Rather than just running a few generic banner ads, they're taking a highly strategic, data-driven approach to connecting with their ideal CFO audience.

From leveraging the advanced targeting capabilities of platforms like DV360, to testing a wide variety of creative angles and lead magnet offers - Oracle NetSuite is leaving no stone unturned in their quest to capture the attention (and contact info) of finance leaders.

Key Takeaways:

  • Oracle NetSuite is taking a multi-faceted approach to their display advertising, testing various ad creative, landing pages, and lead magnets
  • They're leveraging data-driven targeting on platforms like Google's DV360 to laser-focus on their CFO audience
  • The emphasis is on providing value upfront through educational content and practical resources to drive lead generation
  • Consistent use of the Oracle NetSuite brand and logo helps establish credibility and trust with the viewer

At the end of the day, Oracle NetSuite's display ad strategy is a master class in how to effectively reach and convert B2B customers in a competitive landscape. Brands of all shapes and sizes would be wise to take notes.

Thanks for joining me on this deep dive! If you have any other questions about Oracle NetSuite's approach or want to discuss B2B marketing strategies, feel free to reach out.

-- Jason Stogsdill

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