This Dog Ad Made a Fortune:

This Dog Ad Made a Fortune:

Revealing the Secrets of a Viral Affiliate Marketing Campaign

Published by: Team AdSkills
January 4, 2024

[Thank you to our sponsor who help to keep this content free.]

Ever wondered how a simple ad can capture your attention and lead you down a rabbit hole of interesting content? Well, you're in the right place to find out!

In this blog post, we're going to dissect an intriguing affiliate campaign. It's all about a topic that's bound to catch the eye of any dog lover: "The one meat you should never feed your dog." As a dog owner myself, this headline immediately grabbed my attention, and it's a perfect example of how effective affiliate marketing can hook an audience.

We'll take a close look at how this campaign uses an advertorial approach – that's an advertisement that reads like a story or an article. This isn't just about selling a product; it's about engaging you with content that's both informative and intriguing. We'll explore how they use bold headlines, engaging images, and clear calls to action to guide you through their message and towards their product.

But there's more to it than just a well-crafted advertorial. We'll also peek at the website's strategy, checking out how they drive traffic and what other health-related products they promote. Did you know they even use quizzes to make the experience more interactive and personalized?

So, if you're ready to dive deep into the world of affiliate marketing and learn some tricks of the trade, stick with me. We're about to uncover the secrets behind successful campaigns and how they manage to catch and keep our attention. Let's get started and see what makes these ads so effective!

Affiliate Campaign Overview

Alright, let's dive into the heart of this affiliate campaign and see what makes it tick.

Picture this: You're scrolling through MSN, just like any other day, and suddenly, an ad catches your eye. It's about something that's close to your heart - your furry friend at home. The ad reads, "The one meat you should never feed your dog." As a dog owner, you can't help but click. Sounds familiar? That's the hook of this affiliate campaign.

Now, let's break it down.

The first thing you land on is an advertorial. That's a fancy term for an ad that's disguised as an article or a story. It's not just any article, though. The headline is a real attention-grabber: "The number one mistake that can cut a dog's lifespan in half." That's going to make any dog lover stop and read.

The advertorial is smartly crafted. It's not just throwing facts at you; it's designed to play on your emotions, especially fear and concern for your pet's well-being. They use bold text to highlight key points - like how canine health is declining and how certain foods could be to blame. This isn't just about scaring you, though. It's about providing valuable information that you, as a pet owner, would find essential.

But here's where it gets interesting.

Throughout the article, there are calls to action, inviting you to click for more information. These are strategically placed to keep you engaged and moving through the content.

And guess what?

The images used in the advertorial aren't just random. They're chosen for their emotional impact – like that funny picture of two dogs that makes you smile and keeps you reading.

The campaign doesn't stop at the advertorial. It leads you to a landing page – Here, you find a video sales letter (VSL) with no control buttons – you're meant to watch it all the way through. This is where they pitch the product, but in a way that feels informative and credible, thanks to the use of a vet's endorsement.

The campaign even surprises you with a quiz before you get to the order page, making the whole experience interactive. It's not just about selling dog food; it's about creating an experience that you find valuable and engaging.

Finally, let's talk about the bigger picture. This campaign is part of a website themed around health tips and product reviews. It cleverly uses credibility logos and covers various health topics, from tinnitus to weight loss, with each category tailored for different affiliate products. This diversity shows a well-thought-out strategy to appeal to a wide range of interests.

Landing Page Analysis

Now, let's zoom in on the landing page of this affiliate campaign - a crucial piece of the puzzle.

When you clicked through from the advertorial, you landed on This is where the magic really happens, turning curious clicks into potential sales.

The first thing you're greeted with is a video sales letter (VSL). It starts playing automatically, and here's the catch: there are no control buttons. You're drawn into watching the entire thing. This strategy is not just about showing a product; it's about storytelling, making you part of a narrative that holds your attention.

The VSL is designed to build trust and credibility.

They showcase a vet, an expert in the field, discussing the product. This isn't just any sales pitch; it's an endorsement from a professional, adding a layer of trust and reliability to what's being said.

But wait, there's a twist!

Before you even get to the order form, there's a quiz. Yep, you heard that right - a quiz.

This isn't just any quiz; it's a smart marketing move. It engages you more with the content, making the experience interactive and personalized. And the best part? The quiz is skippable, so if you're just here for the product, you can jump right to it.

Now, let's talk about the strategy of the order page. It's not just about selling one bag of dog food. They offer multiples because, let's face it, dog food is a consumable item. The more they sell in one go, the higher the average order value. It's a clever way to boost sales without being too pushy.

The landing page also features testimonials and an FAQ section. These are not just fillers; they're important tools to build trust and answer any lingering doubts you might have.

The design of the page is simple yet effective, with images of the dog food and clear, compelling call-to-action buttons. It's all about creating a seamless, engaging experience that guides you from curiosity to purchase.

Sales Page Details

Alright, let's dive into the sales page, the final and one of the most crucial parts of our affiliate campaign journey. This is where the visitor, hopefully turned into a potential customer, makes the decision: to buy or not to buy.

The sales page we're talking about here is not just any page; it's a well-thought-out strategy to maximize the value of each visit. When you land on this page, you notice right away that it's all about selling dog food. But, it's done smartly and thoughtfully.

The first thing that catches your eye are the different packages of dog food. This isn't just a random choice. The campaign cleverly offers multiple quantities of dog food.


Because dog food is something that every dog owner will need again and again. By offering more in a single purchase, they increase the value of each sale. It's like buying in bulk - it makes sense for the customer and boosts the seller's profits. Smart, right?

Another key feature on the sales page is the use of testimonials.

These are real stories from real people who have tried the product. It's not just about showing that others have bought it, but about giving potential customers a sense of trust and reliability. When you see that others have had a good experience, you're more likely to feel confident in your purchase.

But there's more.

The page also includes a frequently asked questions (FAQ) section. This is a crucial element because it addresses common concerns and queries that a buyer might have. It's like having a helpful salesperson right there, answering your questions before you even ask them.

The design of the sales page is clean and user-friendly. It's easy to navigate, with clear images of the product and prominent 'Buy Now' buttons. It's designed to make your journey from interest to purchase as smooth as possible.

Affiliate Site Homepage

Let's turn our attention to the homepage of the affiliate site, an essential element in our deep dive into this affiliate campaign. This isn't just the starting point for visitors; it's the face of the campaign, setting the stage for everything that follows.

When you first land on the homepage, you'll notice it's not just about dog food. The site is themed around overall health tips and product reviews, a smart move to attract a wider audience. This variety shows that the site isn't just a one-trick pony; it's a resource for various health-related topics.

The theme of everyday health tips and product reviews is a clever strategy. It positions the site as a go-to place for reliable and helpful information. This approach is key to building trust with the audience. It's not just about selling products; it's about providing value, which in turn makes the product recommendations more credible and effective.

What really stands out on the homepage are the credibility logos. These logos indicate that their advertorials and reviews have been featured on well-known sites. This isn't just for show; it's a powerful way to build trust. When visitors see these logos, they feel reassured that they're in a place that's recognized and respected.

The range of topics covered on the homepage is also worth noting. From tinnitus to weight loss, and of course, dog food for healthy pets, the site addresses various health concerns. Each category is tailored to different affiliate products. This diversity is not just about casting a wide net; it's about catering to different interests and needs, making the site relevant to a broader audience.

One interesting aspect is the focus on pet food, which seems to be a unique offer in the affiliate space. This niche approach demonstrates the site's ability to identify and fill gaps in the market, offering something that's not just run-of-the-mill.

Traffic Sources

Now, let's explore a critical aspect of any affiliate campaign: the traffic sources.

Knowing where visitors come from and how they find the site is like having a roadmap to success in affiliate marketing.

For this particular campaign, the main traffic source is display ads. These are the ads you see on various websites, popping up with engaging visuals and headlines. The beauty of display ads is their ability to catch your eye while you're browsing your favorite sites. For this campaign, a significant chunk of traffic is coming from these ads, showing how effective they are in drawing people in.

But it's not just any display ads we're talking about.

The campaign specifically targets high-traffic sites like Yahoo and CNN. This isn't a shot in the dark; it's a strategic move. By placing ads on these popular sites, the campaign taps into a vast audience, increasing the chances of clicks and, ultimately, conversions.

Interestingly, the campaign also uses a bit of paid search. This means they're buying ads on search engines like Google. When someone searches for related terms, their ads pop up. It's a smart way to catch people who are already interested in related topics, like dog health or pet food.

Now, here's where it gets even more interesting.

When checking the traffic sources using tools like SimilarWeb and SEMrush, we get a broader picture. While SimilarWeb shows some paid search traffic, SEMrush doesn't reflect the same. This discrepancy isn't unusual in the digital marketing world. No single tool captures all the data perfectly. That's why using multiple tools to get a comprehensive view of the traffic sources is a smart strategy.

The primary channel, according to Adbeat, is Yahoo.

This aligns with the campaign's strategy of using display ads on high-traffic sites. It's also worth noting the variety of native ads they're testing for the dog food offer.

These ads are not just random; they're carefully crafted to resonate with pet owners, using images and headlines that grab attention.

Wrap Up

Well, folks, we’ve come to the end of our deep dive into this fascinating affiliate marketing campaign. I’m Jason Stogsdil, and I hope you've gained some valuable insights into the world of affiliate marketing and native advertising. Before we sign off, let's sum up our key takeaways:

Key Takeaways:

  • Engaging Content is King: A catchy headline like "The one meat you should never feed your dog" can grab attention and drive traffic.
  • The Power of Advertorials: Combining informative content with advertising in an advertorial format can engage readers and lead them smoothly to your product.
  • Emotional Connection: Using images and stories that resonate with your audience can significantly increase engagement.
  • Credibility Matters: Featuring experts and using credibility logos on your site can build trust with your audience.
  • Diversification in Topics: Covering a variety of topics can attract a wider audience, making your site a go-to resource for different interests.
  • Smart Sales Strategies: Offering multiple quantities and incorporating elements like quizzes can increase user engagement and sales.
  • Understanding Traffic Sources: Utilizing a mix of display ads and paid search, especially on high-traffic sites, can drive significant traffic to your campaign.
  • Data Analysis Tools: Using tools like SimilarWeb, SEMrush, and Adbeat can give you a broader understanding of your traffic sources and ad performance.

In the dynamic world of affiliate marketing, understanding these elements can make a huge difference in your campaign's success. It’s not just about selling a product; it's about creating a journey for your audience that’s both informative and engaging.

Remember, the key to a successful affiliate campaign lies in how well you understand and connect with your audience. Use these insights to craft campaigns that not only sell but also add value to your audience's lives.

That’s all for this edition of The Edge!

I hope you found these insights helpful and that you can apply them to your own marketing efforts. Stay tuned for more where we'll continue to explore the cutting edge of online marketing.

This is Jason Stogsdill, signing off.

Keep pushing the boundaries and remember, in affiliate marketing, the sky's the limit!


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[Thank you to our sponsor who help to keep this content free.]

Ever wondered how a simple ad can capture your attention and lead you down a rabbit hole of interesting content? Well, you're in the right place to find out!

In this blog post, we're going to dissect an intriguing affiliate campaign. It's all about a topic that's bound to catch the eye of any dog lover: "The one meat you should never feed your dog." As a dog owner myself, this headline immediately grabbed my attention, and it's a perfect example of how effective affiliate marketing can hook an audience.

We'll take a close look at how this campaign uses an advertorial approach – that's an advertisement that reads like a story or an article. This isn't just about selling a product; it's about engaging you with content that's both informative and intriguing. We'll explore how they use bold headlines, engaging images, and clear calls to action to guide you through their message and towards their product.

But there's more to it than just a well-crafted advertorial. We'll also peek at the website's strategy, checking out how they drive traffic and what other health-related products they promote. Did you know they even use quizzes to make the experience more interactive and personalized?

So, if you're ready to dive deep into the world of affiliate marketing and learn some tricks of the trade, stick with me. We're about to uncover the secrets behind successful campaigns and how they manage to catch and keep our attention. Let's get started and see what makes these ads so effective!

Affiliate Campaign Overview

Alright, let's dive into the heart of this affiliate campaign and see what makes it tick.

Picture this: You're scrolling through MSN, just like any other day, and suddenly, an ad catches your eye. It's about something that's close to your heart - your furry friend at home. The ad reads, "The one meat you should never feed your dog." As a dog owner, you can't help but click. Sounds familiar? That's the hook of this affiliate campaign.

Now, let's break it down.

The first thing you land on is an advertorial. That's a fancy term for an ad that's disguised as an article or a story. It's not just any article, though. The headline is a real attention-grabber: "The number one mistake that can cut a dog's lifespan in half." That's going to make any dog lover stop and read.

The advertorial is smartly crafted. It's not just throwing facts at you; it's designed to play on your emotions, especially fear and concern for your pet's well-being. They use bold text to highlight key points - like how canine health is declining and how certain foods could be to blame. This isn't just about scaring you, though. It's about providing valuable information that you, as a pet owner, would find essential.

But here's where it gets interesting.

Throughout the article, there are calls to action, inviting you to click for more information. These are strategically placed to keep you engaged and moving through the content.

And guess what?

The images used in the advertorial aren't just random. They're chosen for their emotional impact – like that funny picture of two dogs that makes you smile and keeps you reading.

The campaign doesn't stop at the advertorial. It leads you to a landing page – Here, you find a video sales letter (VSL) with no control buttons – you're meant to watch it all the way through. This is where they pitch the product, but in a way that feels informative and credible, thanks to the use of a vet's endorsement.

The campaign even surprises you with a quiz before you get to the order page, making the whole experience interactive. It's not just about selling dog food; it's about creating an experience that you find valuable and engaging.

Finally, let's talk about the bigger picture. This campaign is part of a website themed around health tips and product reviews. It cleverly uses credibility logos and covers various health topics, from tinnitus to weight loss, with each category tailored for different affiliate products. This diversity shows a well-thought-out strategy to appeal to a wide range of interests.

Landing Page Analysis

Now, let's zoom in on the landing page of this affiliate campaign - a crucial piece of the puzzle.

When you clicked through from the advertorial, you landed on This is where the magic really happens, turning curious clicks into potential sales.

The first thing you're greeted with is a video sales letter (VSL). It starts playing automatically, and here's the catch: there are no control buttons. You're drawn into watching the entire thing. This strategy is not just about showing a product; it's about storytelling, making you part of a narrative that holds your attention.

The VSL is designed to build trust and credibility.

They showcase a vet, an expert in the field, discussing the product. This isn't just any sales pitch; it's an endorsement from a professional, adding a layer of trust and reliability to what's being said.

But wait, there's a twist!

Before you even get to the order form, there's a quiz. Yep, you heard that right - a quiz.

This isn't just any quiz; it's a smart marketing move. It engages you more with the content, making the experience interactive and personalized. And the best part? The quiz is skippable, so if you're just here for the product, you can jump right to it.

Now, let's talk about the strategy of the order page. It's not just about selling one bag of dog food. They offer multiples because, let's face it, dog food is a consumable item. The more they sell in one go, the higher the average order value. It's a clever way to boost sales without being too pushy.

The landing page also features testimonials and an FAQ section. These are not just fillers; they're important tools to build trust and answer any lingering doubts you might have.

The design of the page is simple yet effective, with images of the dog food and clear, compelling call-to-action buttons. It's all about creating a seamless, engaging experience that guides you from curiosity to purchase.

Sales Page Details

Alright, let's dive into the sales page, the final and one of the most crucial parts of our affiliate campaign journey. This is where the visitor, hopefully turned into a potential customer, makes the decision: to buy or not to buy.

The sales page we're talking about here is not just any page; it's a well-thought-out strategy to maximize the value of each visit. When you land on this page, you notice right away that it's all about selling dog food. But, it's done smartly and thoughtfully.

The first thing that catches your eye are the different packages of dog food. This isn't just a random choice. The campaign cleverly offers multiple quantities of dog food.


Because dog food is something that every dog owner will need again and again. By offering more in a single purchase, they increase the value of each sale. It's like buying in bulk - it makes sense for the customer and boosts the seller's profits. Smart, right?

Another key feature on the sales page is the use of testimonials.

These are real stories from real people who have tried the product. It's not just about showing that others have bought it, but about giving potential customers a sense of trust and reliability. When you see that others have had a good experience, you're more likely to feel confident in your purchase.

But there's more.

The page also includes a frequently asked questions (FAQ) section. This is a crucial element because it addresses common concerns and queries that a buyer might have. It's like having a helpful salesperson right there, answering your questions before you even ask them.

The design of the sales page is clean and user-friendly. It's easy to navigate, with clear images of the product and prominent 'Buy Now' buttons. It's designed to make your journey from interest to purchase as smooth as possible.

Affiliate Site Homepage

Let's turn our attention to the homepage of the affiliate site, an essential element in our deep dive into this affiliate campaign. This isn't just the starting point for visitors; it's the face of the campaign, setting the stage for everything that follows.

When you first land on the homepage, you'll notice it's not just about dog food. The site is themed around overall health tips and product reviews, a smart move to attract a wider audience. This variety shows that the site isn't just a one-trick pony; it's a resource for various health-related topics.

The theme of everyday health tips and product reviews is a clever strategy. It positions the site as a go-to place for reliable and helpful information. This approach is key to building trust with the audience. It's not just about selling products; it's about providing value, which in turn makes the product recommendations more credible and effective.

What really stands out on the homepage are the credibility logos. These logos indicate that their advertorials and reviews have been featured on well-known sites. This isn't just for show; it's a powerful way to build trust. When visitors see these logos, they feel reassured that they're in a place that's recognized and respected.

The range of topics covered on the homepage is also worth noting. From tinnitus to weight loss, and of course, dog food for healthy pets, the site addresses various health concerns. Each category is tailored to different affiliate products. This diversity is not just about casting a wide net; it's about catering to different interests and needs, making the site relevant to a broader audience.

One interesting aspect is the focus on pet food, which seems to be a unique offer in the affiliate space. This niche approach demonstrates the site's ability to identify and fill gaps in the market, offering something that's not just run-of-the-mill.

Traffic Sources

Now, let's explore a critical aspect of any affiliate campaign: the traffic sources.

Knowing where visitors come from and how they find the site is like having a roadmap to success in affiliate marketing.

For this particular campaign, the main traffic source is display ads. These are the ads you see on various websites, popping up with engaging visuals and headlines. The beauty of display ads is their ability to catch your eye while you're browsing your favorite sites. For this campaign, a significant chunk of traffic is coming from these ads, showing how effective they are in drawing people in.

But it's not just any display ads we're talking about.

The campaign specifically targets high-traffic sites like Yahoo and CNN. This isn't a shot in the dark; it's a strategic move. By placing ads on these popular sites, the campaign taps into a vast audience, increasing the chances of clicks and, ultimately, conversions.

Interestingly, the campaign also uses a bit of paid search. This means they're buying ads on search engines like Google. When someone searches for related terms, their ads pop up. It's a smart way to catch people who are already interested in related topics, like dog health or pet food.

Now, here's where it gets even more interesting.

When checking the traffic sources using tools like SimilarWeb and SEMrush, we get a broader picture. While SimilarWeb shows some paid search traffic, SEMrush doesn't reflect the same. This discrepancy isn't unusual in the digital marketing world. No single tool captures all the data perfectly. That's why using multiple tools to get a comprehensive view of the traffic sources is a smart strategy.

The primary channel, according to Adbeat, is Yahoo.

This aligns with the campaign's strategy of using display ads on high-traffic sites. It's also worth noting the variety of native ads they're testing for the dog food offer.

These ads are not just random; they're carefully crafted to resonate with pet owners, using images and headlines that grab attention.

Wrap Up

Well, folks, we’ve come to the end of our deep dive into this fascinating affiliate marketing campaign. I’m Jason Stogsdil, and I hope you've gained some valuable insights into the world of affiliate marketing and native advertising. Before we sign off, let's sum up our key takeaways:

Key Takeaways:

  • Engaging Content is King: A catchy headline like "The one meat you should never feed your dog" can grab attention and drive traffic.
  • The Power of Advertorials: Combining informative content with advertising in an advertorial format can engage readers and lead them smoothly to your product.
  • Emotional Connection: Using images and stories that resonate with your audience can significantly increase engagement.
  • Credibility Matters: Featuring experts and using credibility logos on your site can build trust with your audience.
  • Diversification in Topics: Covering a variety of topics can attract a wider audience, making your site a go-to resource for different interests.
  • Smart Sales Strategies: Offering multiple quantities and incorporating elements like quizzes can increase user engagement and sales.
  • Understanding Traffic Sources: Utilizing a mix of display ads and paid search, especially on high-traffic sites, can drive significant traffic to your campaign.
  • Data Analysis Tools: Using tools like SimilarWeb, SEMrush, and Adbeat can give you a broader understanding of your traffic sources and ad performance.

In the dynamic world of affiliate marketing, understanding these elements can make a huge difference in your campaign's success. It’s not just about selling a product; it's about creating a journey for your audience that’s both informative and engaging.

Remember, the key to a successful affiliate campaign lies in how well you understand and connect with your audience. Use these insights to craft campaigns that not only sell but also add value to your audience's lives.

That’s all for this edition of The Edge!

I hope you found these insights helpful and that you can apply them to your own marketing efforts. Stay tuned for more where we'll continue to explore the cutting edge of online marketing.

This is Jason Stogsdill, signing off.

Keep pushing the boundaries and remember, in affiliate marketing, the sky's the limit!

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