From Zero to 2 Million Visitors: The ReviewScout Growth Story

From Zero to 2 Million Visitors: The ReviewScout Growth Story

Unpacking the Marketing Tactics That Fueled Unprecedented Traffic Growth

Published by: Team AdSkills
May 16, 2024

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The Power of Review Websites

Nowadays, people turn to review websites before they make a purchase. In fact, studies show that over 90% of consumers read online reviews before they buy something. This is a big deal, and it's something that all business owners need to pay attention to.

You see, review websites have a ton of power. They can make or break a product or service. A bunch of great reviews can get people excited and build trust in your brand. But a bunch of negative reviews? Yikes, that can really hurt your business.

That's why it's so important to focus on getting positive reviews. When people see that others love your stuff, they're a lot more likely to give you a try. Review sites basically act as word-of-mouth marketing on steroids.

And it's not just big companies that can benefit. Even small businesses in niche markets can use review sites to their advantage. Let's say you run an online store that sells specialty coffee beans. Getting a ton of glowing reviews on sites like Yelp and Google can position you as the go-to expert in your field.

The bottom line is this: in today's world, review websites have a huge impact on whether people decide to do business with you or not. So you've got to take them seriously and put in the work to get those positive reviews rolling in. It may take some time and effort, but it'll be worth it in the end.'s Unique Approach

Have you ever noticed that some websites have a .org address instead of a .com? That .org domain can actually give a website more credibility. That's the case with

When you visit their site, you'll see they have a clear disclosure policy. They let you know upfront that the site is "sponsored advertising content" and that ReviewScout is "under the ownership and management of the same company that possesses specific products highlighted on this site."

So ReviewScout is upfront about the fact that they may be promoting products they have a financial interest in. But that transparency can actually build trust with readers. They aren't trying to hide anything.

Let's take a closer look at how ReviewScout puts this approach into action. When you land on one of their product review pages, like the one on "5 Nootropic Supplements Dominating 2024," you'll see a well-designed layout that's easy to read.

They start by sharing the author's credentials, so you know they have expertise. Then they dive into the topic, giving you an overview of what nootropics are and why they're helpful. This educational content establishes ReviewScout as a knowledgeable resource.

As they get to the product recommendations, you'll notice they give both pros and cons for each one. Even for the product they seem to favor the most, Stonehenge Health, they mention a potential con - that it's often out of stock due to high demand.

Again, this transparency helps build trust. ReviewScout isn't just hyping up their own product. They're giving an objective review, warts and all.

When you click through to the Stonehenge Health page, you do see they have an affiliate relationship there. But the review content still feels balanced and unbiased.

Overall, ReviewScout has found a clever way to leverage their .org domain and disclosure policy to create a trustworthy, third-party review site. It's a great model for supplement brands or others in competitive niches to consider.

Mastering Content and SEO appears to be employing a savvy SEO strategy to drive significant traffic to their site, particularly through paid search. Here are the key SEO insights:

Keyword Targeting: 

  • ReviewScout is aggressively targeting high-volume search terms related to popular supplements like nootropics, probiotics, omega-3s, and memory enhancers. They are bidding on broad, competitive keywords that get over 200,000 searches per month.
  • This allows them to capture users who are in the research and consideration phase of their buyer's journey, looking for information and reviews on these products.

Content Strategy:

  • The site features in-depth "top 5" style review articles that provide educational content and product comparisons for various supplement categories. 
  • This content is structured in a user-friendly way with table of contents, pros/cons lists, and progress bars to make it easy to digest.
  • The review format allows ReviewScout to position themselves as an authoritative, third-party source, even though they disclose their ownership ties to one of the featured products.

Off-Page SEO:

  • ReviewScout is driving a massive amount of traffic from paid search, accounting for over 70% of their total traffic in the last 3 months.
  • They are also getting referral traffic from high-authority health and lifestyle sites like WebMD, AOL, and Yahoo, which helps boost their domain authority.

Overall, ReviewScout has developed a comprehensive SEO strategy that allows them to rank prominently for valuable supplement-related keywords and capture engaged consumers in research mode. Their use of a review site format, combined with aggressive paid search and referral traffic, makes them a formidable player in this space.

Leveraging Affiliate Relationships

As continues to grow its suite of proprietary products and services, the platform has also embraced a strategic affiliate marketing model. By carefully selecting and promoting complementary third-party offerings, ReviewScout is able to provide users with a comprehensive suite of tools and resources to enhance their online research and shopping experiences.

The key benefit of this approach is that it allows ReviewScout to expand its value proposition without having to develop every solution in-house. By vetting and endorsing high-quality affiliate partners, the platform can offer users access to a broader range of specialized capabilities - from price comparison tools to personalized recommendation engines. This not only increases the platform's utility but also generates additional revenue streams through affiliate commissions.

However, the affiliate model does come with some inherent risks that ReviewScout must carefully manage. There is always the potential for conflicts of interest, where the platform's promotion of an affiliate product could be seen as prioritizing revenue over objective, impartial recommendations. To mitigate this, ReviewScout has implemented strict vetting procedures to ensure that all affiliate partners meet rigorous standards of quality, reliability, and alignment with the platform's core values.

Additionally, ReviewScout is transparent about its affiliate relationships, clearly disclosing when a product or service is being promoted through an affiliate link. This level of transparency helps to build trust with users and reinforces the platform's commitment to providing honest, unbiased information.

By striking the right balance between leveraging affiliate partnerships and maintaining its reputation for trustworthy, independent reviews, ReviewScout is able to offer its users the best of both worlds - a comprehensive, curated marketplace of products and services to enhance their online shopping experience.

Wrap Up

  • is a review site that appears neutral and third-party, but is actually owned by the company promoting its own products.
  • The site uses an advertorial format to showcase "top 5" lists for various supplements, including ones they sell under the Stonehenge Health brand.
  • ReviewScout leverages paid search heavily, driving over 2 million visits in just a few months, with 72% coming from paid ads.
  • The site's .org domain name adds an aura of credibility, though the disclosures reveal the underlying business relationship.
  • ReviewScout has found an effective formula for generating leads and sales by positioning itself as an independent, educational resource for supplement shoppers.

Thanks for tuning in to this deep dive into's marketing strategies. I hope you found the insights shared today not just intriguing but actionable, giving you the tools to elevate your own marketing efforts. If you've got any questions or want to share how you've applied these strategies, drop a comment below — I'd love to hear from you!

Until next time, keep pushing the boundaries of what your marketing can achieve.

Jason Stogsdill


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